Bangali Babe 3

Twenty-two people had an early lunch and departed for the airport to make aircraft ready to depart for Ushuaia, Argentina. The helicopter would stop at the San Luis Airport in Argentina to refuel, and meet the G650 at Ushuaia. They would wait for the ship to arrive at Ushuaia Harbor, and then ferry all the people from Esperanza Base as soon as they were transported from Amundsen-Scott Base. The G650 flew over the ship, followed by the two Mi-26 helicopters. Lenora pulled out of the harbor heading south.Robert was thinking about the future and what lie in store for the people of Novum Initium. He told his wives that he was going to travel for a while and not to worry, as he would be back when he had completed his journey. Nancy was traveling with him to insure no harm came to him. Robert appeared to be sleeping in the lounger, on the balcony of their suite, but he was not there. Nancy had taken him to an ancient training area to enhance his psionic skills. She knew the challenges he. I was sure of that.I tiptoed down the hall, to Heather's bedroom. When I quietly opened her door, I saw my laptop on the floor, next to her bed. Heather was still sound asleep on her stomach, under the bed covers. I wanted to pull the covers off and see that body, but I resisted the temptation. I gathered up my laptop and silently returned to my bedroom.There was a new video created after our time together, last night. The webcam viewer had been left open when I closed the lid on my laptop. Heather must have forgotten the fact it automatically records when that application is running. I clicked on that video and pushed "Play."Heather lay down on her bed, leaning back against some stacked pillows. I noticed she was wearing the panties that I found in my underwear this morning. The rest of my daughter's clothes lay in a pile, next to her bed. Heather clicked around on the keyboard for a bit. Then I heard our video from last night begin playing. So you DO like something besides my.
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